Refurbishment project of Hub_Space in Palazzo Dogana (headquarters of the Province of Foggia) - ITALY
Since 2010, the Puglia Region has started the creation of integrated systems at a territorial level, in which to guarantee a unitary, qualified and sustainable use of the regional environmental and cultural heritage, through a program of interventions, events, cultural proposals, putting some Municipalities participating with specific proposals.
The SAC Apulia Fluminum project (financed with POC Puglia 2007-2013 - Action and cohesion plan - line 4.2.2 - SAC "Environmental and cultural systems") stems from a broad idea of enhancing a large area of the territory of the province of Foggia bringing out the historical depth and its close connection with the rivers that cross it (Ofanto, Carapelle, Cervaro) and that have influenced its population and evolution.
It offers a journey through history and the environment, a story narrated by the landscapes themselves and created along the paths of rivers and sheep tracks, recovering slow mobility. The territory of the SAC offers a cultural heritage (archaeological, architectural, historical-artistic, food and wine, landscape) which, in its typological and chronological variety, allows you to retrace the entire ancient history of the Apulia of rivers and Daunia, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, to reach the present day. The history of the rivers is intertwined with that of the sheep tracks, of the ancient Roman roads and of the Via Francigena.
The HUB_Space is a space designed with the intent to represent the identity of the SAC Apulia Fluminum, to tell about its purposes, objectives and activities and, at the same time, to disseminate the resources of the individual territories. A physical and at the same time virtual interface where all information can flow. A place where material and immaterial come together to build an effective means of communication.
Located inside the eighteenth-century Palazzo Dogana, the historic seat of the Province of Foggia, it consists of three rooms:
- The foyer, the access point to the HUB, where information about the Environmental and Cultural Systems (SAC) is transferred. Here the user is involved in communication also through an interactive interface that provides real-time all news related to activities from a central database.
- the Hub Space, a unique multifunctional room, where general information specific to the territory of the SAC Apulia Fluminum relating to Environmental and Cultural Systems is used; general information on individual cities and their territories is collected, each represented by an icon and a brief description of the context; you can freely consult any type of content available in the database aimed at promoting and disseminating the territories, through the use of a QR Code and a simple smartphone and / or tablet.
- the archive-storage service for the Hub Space.
The space was designed with the aim of creating a highly sensorial place, a sort of museum where one observes, collects information and accesses in-depth information on the assets and territories of the SAC Apulia Fluminum.
The two main rooms, characterized by colors, lights and sounds welcome the visitor by involving him in a physical and virtual experience. Obscured by natural light, they are characterized by an artificial light of blue color that radiates on the walls and vaults, helping to transfer the attention of the user to the media.
Each piece of furniture, designed with basic forms, acts as a mere support for communication. The HUB Space and the archive are also intended for use for the activities of the laboratory of the provincial Biblio-museum complex. The flexible furnishings, as removable or transformable, guarantee a lean modification of the space and the use for collective training and laboratory activities.
CLIENT: Province of Foggia (FG) - ITALY
DESIGN: arch. Vincenzo Russo
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Sinkronia, Foggia (FG) - Italy
WEB DESIGN: Asernet, Foggia (FG) - Italy
COMPANY: Bawer S.p.a. - Matera (MT) - Tancredi Resturi S.r.l. - ITALY
YEAR: 2019