Tableaux Vivant VESTITI DI STORIA in the historic center, Barletta (BT) - ITALY
october 30, 2014
The project for the tableaux vivants "HISTORY CLOTHES" was born with the intention of staging performances of theatrical actors, reminiscent of artistic images related to the historical event of the Challenge of Barletta.
The design concept, conceived in collaboration with Luigi Spezzacatene, costume designer and set designer, and with Barbara Santovito (Lucania Promotion), was directed towards a choice of unconventional artistic language with respect to the historic celebrations of the city of Barletta, imagining to start a different artistic path -cultural able to investigate new reminiscent forms, through the use of metaphors and / or critical readings of historical narrative. By overturning the canvas of the faithful reproduction of the Challenge scenes, three emblematic themes were acquired by the artist in order to make an emotional story through the use of unusual expressive and visual techniques. Three places of the historical center have been identified to which to entrust the role of scenic of the "theatrical representation". Three atriums / courtyards of historic buildings (Palazzo Affaitati-Tosches, Palazzo Milcovich and Palazzo De Leone) imagined as exhibition halls of a widespread museum of the Challenge. Three historical environments with different architectural features for the three chosen themes: War, Love, Honor.
The three artistic installations, flooded by the music composed by Francesco Papaceccio, are characterized by a luminous scenography that is repeated to create a sort of common thread that accompanies the visitor starting from the fourth place conceived as colophon of a temporary exhibition: the churchyard of Real Monte di Pietà, where three large photographic icons anticipate the three themes of tableaux vivants.
The Challenge of Barletta thus becomes the term of development for the creation of a work / show that shows not so much the narrative narration of historical facts as the themes that are developed and that move from within the dynamics of the Challenge story, making it a symbol, sign and gesture.
A cast of 25 artists from the association "I Nuovi Scalzi", including dancers, actors and figurants, directed by actress and dancer Olga Mascolo, stage a contemporary art performance based on universal themes, whose roots go back to tradition of world pictorial and sculptural culture, drawing significant gestures from these works to engage and excite the viewer.
client: Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Barletta (BT)
ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Vincenzo Russo - Luigi Spezzacatene
MUSIC: Francesco Papaceccio
HISTORICAL SEARCH: Bart Filannino (Ass. Artisticamente)
REDEVELOPMENT OF VINTAGE COSTUMES: Stella Capozza (Ass. Artisticamente)
ANIMATED GUIDES: Michele Cantatore (Ass. Aufidus)
TABLEAUX VIVANTS: Olga Mascolo - Savino Italiano (Ass. I Nuovi Scalzi)
ACTORS: R. Barbaro, M. Cipriani, M. Defazio, F. De palma, M.Dibenedetto, C. Falanga, A.B.P. Martinez, A. Lancione, M. Losapio, L. Pedico, A. Piazzolla, S. Pignataro, I. Ragno, M. Ragno, M.F. Spagna, M. Stella, S. Tornese, M. Vino, S. Zagaria
YEAR: 2014